Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How Can Someone Dress In Business Professional Attire But Be In Pure Comfort?

Dressing in business or professional attire doesnt necessarily mean that you have to wear those gorgeous, but uncomfortable heels...cute but too tight pencil skirts. Its very important to be comfortable at work being that you are there for a while. I prefer to wear a cute pair a flats and some casual dress pants made with spandex material...that way i can look business appropriate and be comfortable. Websites such as Gloriajh.wordpress.com, Bloomgirl.com, and Sideroad.com give great tips on how one can be in pure and utter comfort while still looking professional.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

How Should Fashion Foward Women Select What Colors To Wear?

I believe that selecting what color to wear all depends on one's skin complexion, because not all colors look good against everyone's skin tone. People who have a more lighter color should wear bright colors such as orange, pink or baje. People who have more of a dark complexion should wear more dark colors such as brown and black. However, people who are darker can also look good in lighter colors...it juss all depends on the shade of that color. Such as orange, a darker person should wear the more pumkin looking orange rather than the tangerine looking orange. If your unsure of what colors will compliment your skin tone, seek further websites such as Fashion Trendsetter, Fashion Foward and Raulersonphotography...there is great advice there!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

How can someone be fashionable on a limited budget?

Looking good doesn't always require you to have to spend alot of money. Stores such as Forever 21, H&M, and Wet Seal offer the latest and trendiest apparel for a good price. H&M's jeans usually range between $30-$50, and it wouldn't be normal if Wet Seal or Forever 21 wasn't having a sale! So one can make a quick stop at H&M, purchase a pair of cute skinny jeans...then, next stop Wet Seal for a shirt to match!